Monday, February 22, 2010

Here's the thing. I am a giant prude. End of story. Always have been, probably always will be.

Caution...we're about to get a tad racy.

Today, and mostly lately in general, I've been kind of a loner going through the motions: sitting by myself at breaks, going to and from work in silence and waking up minutes before I have to repeat the pattern again. Anyways, some co-workers call me over after they see me sitting alone. I, begrudingly, join them. I say begurdingly because I had quite liked being alone for a little bit, although I spend the whole day alone walking in circles with a broom and dust pan. So I go over there hoping for they best, thinking there must be some kind of conversation to have with them.

No. They are talking about sex. Intensely gross things and in detail. They're delivery of the scandalous things they were saying we're so very non-chalant. As if it were perfectly normal to, in front of several girls, and those girls surprisingly enough joining in, for these guys to be talking this way. Perhaps it is perfectly normal to about every other teenager and adult, but to me it's different.

I don't particularly know what I mean by this. I'm horribly ambiguous and terribly ddubious about my views and beliefs about sex and pretty much all topics about such things. I, having been raised with the Catholic sense of guilt, was taught that sex was a sacred bond clandestined only to be shared with those bonded through Holy Matrimony. But, as with many subjects in the Catholic faith, I found myself disagreeing and believing that if two people truly, truly love each other than I saw no reason why a relationship could not be consumated if they so choose. This all probably would have been much easier to deal with at this or any other age if more sexual oppertunities were presented to me. But if they had, I probably would have reacted in God awful awkwardness and confusion. Which I guess pretty much sums up the way I feel about this subject in two words.

Anyways, enough of that! I just thought it was funny that the minute I came over and talked to these people they start making me immediately uncomfortable in the easiest way possible. I kind of sat back and just took it all in, wide-eyed. They commented how "Aaron mus be sitting here wondering...What kind of people do I work with?!" To be honest, I wasn't judging them at all and I thought nothing less of them. I realize that I am the weird one on this. I mean everyone and their mother, my roomates, my co-workers, and everyone else in the world is comfortable with being completely slutty. So... C'est la vie, and I'll have to get used to it.

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