Thursday, March 4, 2010

Boring Fun Day

I woke up not much in tho mood to do much of anything, although it was my day off. I ate some ramen and tidbits of all the groceries I have at home and started a marathon of watching the Harry Potter films. I knocked two and a half down before I felt the need to go something. Alexandra invited me to Epcot to spend some time with her and Tess.

I meet up with them in Britian, and meet the new friend they made in one of the shops, Patriona. She's a charming young woman with sass. She vented her passionate feelings about her job to us and also conversed with us about the contrast in culture between America and the UK. For instance, while we find their accents absolutely charming, they find ours to be nothing special, and she's absolutely right. She says they think this because they hear it all the time. This is something that the Australian film student mentioned as well. The American culture is so heavily emphasized all over the world, that there's almost nthing unique about it. This is why I so desperately want to have my children be raised in another culture. So that they will be able to enjoy the simple American indulgences while belonging to a different way of life as well.

Alexandra was so amused by the accent that she implored Patriona to read a book to her. So we go to the British Literature book store around the corner and bring it back for Patriona to read to us. She reads to us Peter Rabbit by Mrs. Potter. Alexandra and Tess giggled the entire time reading it. Alexandra caught the whole reading on tape.

Later on, we meet up with Jenn Downtown. We decide to get dinner but it's very late and some places won't take us. The one that did was T-Rex. I wanted to get the same sandwhich I get everytime I'm there, but Jenn would not allow it. So I got a burger instead, not in the mood or anything extravagent. It was a lot of fun and then we left. Goodnight.

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